First day of college? feeling anxious and nervous! Here are 4 things that can help you manage it

In the sense of professionals during the first day of college, feeling anxiety is a sign of response to stress or fear and this stress is caused by something that has to be done but can’t be done, that means what you thought in your mind about yourself but in reality how you act. In simple words, coming out of your comfort zone and suspecting everything as an obstacle is what most of us during our first day of college do.

Anxiety and nervousness during the first few days of college are caused by being exposed to a completely unfamiliar environment, and it is absolutely normal to feel that way. Our survival instincts also trigger them because we are assuming all possibilities, which also causes our blood to flow quickly and our heart to pump rapidly, leading us to sweat.

IT IS ABSOLUTELY COMMON you are not alone in experiencing these mixtures of emotions. It takes time to understand and get a bit of control of it but thriving in it makes you more aware of yourself.

REMEMBER! College life comes with many wonders, it’s going to be one of the biggest transitions of your life. Look at its brighter side, be excited about it, and be curious.

My story is one that many can relate to at various points in their lives, told succinctly.

I didn’t end up at the place I wanted to be maybe many of you have reached the college where you want to be. So,I didn’t want to go to college but I accepted the fact that i could not leave this opportunity and waste a year, life is too short for all this mess. But that mindset really made me struggle a lot, although I accepted the reality but, my will was still not convinced somewhere I still wanted to somehow drop out of college and try everything else of studying and going to college.


  • From the first day of college, you should have positive thoughts about your college
  • Everyone here is nervous feeling shy and afraid of new things and new faces, acknowledging this fact and comforting them will make you comfortable: think of everyone as your friend and family(that will not trigger you to feel any danger or discomfort from them)
  • And in the process of making friends don’t indulge in other stuff. Clear your boundaries and priorities


Being on such a big campus with thousands of students who came from many different places and who are better than me in many ways but do not bother but the they are very distinct from me bothered me.

That made gaps between us even before we started communicating.

Be interested: Genuinely being interested in the differences will eventually things easy.

  • Acknowledge your feelings and try to understand and accept them.
  • And always REMEMBER! That is totally to be unsettled for a while.
  • Being open-minded to meet new kinds of people who are from different cultures.
  • Participate in the orientation program to learn more about your college or university.


It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are from, or even how you look (at least be decent); everyone here is new. Don’t worry about how they will think of you. Actually, this is the best time to make friends easily.

  • It’s normal to be anxious. Don’t wait; start the conversation yourself.
  • Try to talk about them but don’t be personal
  • Join new clubs and attend events 
  • And remember don’t hurry to make new friends take time and build strong bonds with those who match your vibe.


You are going to be very cautious about every movement and word you speak. Just don’t make yourself so bound. I was too, once. So, there was a guy who was so chill that he was dancing on the very first day of college in front of the whole class; it was a random group of students but the point is no one made fun of him because he didn’t care about that.

  • It’s completely okay to occasionally misspeak or slip up in conversation or during the speech, it’s totally fine dude!
  • Maybe do something inappropriate but it’s okay
  • Perhaps you may feel that you are becoming too personal but do not allow it to weigh heavily on your mind.

Remember to be chill and be yourself!


  1. I must be perfect”: You don’t have to strive for perfection in everything as there is nothing perfect and no specific parameter that defines perfection. You are unique, and everything you do is perfect because of your uniqueness. Always maintain this authenticity. “Accepting yourself is the greatest acceptance.
  2. “I made a mistake coming here.” Don’t rush to conclusions on your very first day; take your time to evaluate this new place, and understand its advantages and disadvantages. Frankly, you’ll likely to grow an attachment to the environment or become comfortable with it eventually.
  3. “Everyone else has already their lives figured out”: everyone along with you is on the same boat likewise they are too figuring out and navigating there. Maybe some of them look smart in their speech but don’t compare yourself you are unique.
  4. “I’m not smart/capable enough to succeed here”: Maybe others are better in some skill sets than you but you got admitted to college for a reason and no one is going to tell you if they are better or not. the only thing that should bother you is that you are here to level up yourself daily.
  5. “I must be serious and should not ask questions”: take it easy and be cool, don’t hesitate and you shouldn’t be shy in asking things about college like direction, academics or any kind of help people are generally helpful for newbies and don’t be too serious although college is about learning it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have fun the same organisation arrange function, events because being happy is foremost.

Starting a new chapter in your life can be a bit challenging, especially when you’re stepping out of your comfort zone. But, Remember that change is essential for your growth and new possibilities. College is full of wonders and great opportunities, so be prepared for whatever comes your way. If you have the drive to succeed It is not just about academics, but also about personal growth. If you have the desire to achieve anything from educational stuff to startups, the college will offer you all of the resources you require. I’ve seen people transform in just a matter of months or semesters because of the impact of college, changes that take many years to happen. Embrace these changes with enthusiasm and make the most out of this journey.

Read more about student anxiety-experiment more

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