2 Solid Reasons for Academic Stress | Dealing With Academic Stress.

Almost everyone has faced Academic Stress, from the toppers to low-scoring students, and among them, some have taken or are taking a lot of load on their heads. This has become a common practice in today’s generation. Why is this happening?

Let’s dig a little bit deeper to understand this clearly.

Broadly, there are two types of stress:

  1. Necessary stress that comes from backlogs, procrastination, exams, and many other deadlines. (also known as eustress)
  2. Unnecessary stress, which is the main problem. This stress generally comes from a feeling of competition with others, along with our typical Indian parents who sometimes do not directly affect us, but their expectations do.

Not every student face difficulties in coping with his/her academic load. Are they distinct from us? Are they born with it? No, they learned how to manage their stress. They identify the sources for it, and they continually practice it.

Why is it important to get control of your academic stress? What are its repercussions?

Several things that can happen, like the simple and clear fact that academics is all about learning, remembering, and most importantly, a lot of understanding about the subject you and anyone studying.

Our mind is like water: the more it is stable, the more clear the image is and the more it is transparent. The secret of quality studying and being a good scholar is that you must be stable from the inside while dealing with the outside results. The secret is in the process while you are learning, and underlying giving time to subjects, there should be transparency in your mind to store it well without interruption. The more it is stored clearly and in a good manner, the more it is easy to recall and implement them. At the same time, stably recalling and giving all the attention to your mind, your brain exponentially helps to recall and understand things easily and faster.

Now, after reading this, I believe you can identify the benefits of lowering academic stress (just ask yourself once).

There are many causes of overloaded stress, e.g.:

  • Lower self-esteem (due to lower performance compared to others)
  • Tough to do quality study
  • Disturbed and gloomy
  • Irritated
  • Procrastination
  • Self-doubt
  • One of the major problems I found is that they make themselves feel they don’t deserve happiness, by doing stuff like hanging around and not contacting friends.

What is academic stress?

In simple words, it is a kind of disappointment or regret of not meeting a certain goal or expectation of yours or someone else.

Students can be stressed due to some situations, including:

  • High expectations from parents and teachers
  • Heavy workload
  • Competition and competitive exams
  • The pressure of getting into a good college or institution

Now the question arises: How can we solve it? First of all, we must understand the difference between what kind of stress is okay to be taken and which kind is not apart from Academic Stress.


The word itself speaks out its meaning. Suppose you have an exam in a week; it’s okay that you are stressed about it, but the stress is realistic. Instead of worrying about it, you are just concentrating on your studies. Simply, this can be used as an inner motivation that keeps you working for a deserving and appropriate purpose. Its importance can be understood by remembering anyone in your contact who is so free-minded that he/she didn’t even care about all these exams, subjects, and other stuff. They end up indulging themselves in bad habits or activities at the moment they feel awesome but end up regretting it. Stress sounds like a negative word, but it’s the people who can’t keep up the balance.


This is the place where things become worse. It’s kind of level 2 of Academic Stress. Students do hard work and then don’t get the expected result. After that, their self-esteem becomes low. They trap themselves in their self-guilt of not scoring well or being dumb and take a lot of load for the next exam. They spend a lot of time thinking about that and sticking to it, which even makes them the victim of depression as they prevent themselves from contacting their friends, doing stuff they like, and hanging out. As a result, the more the productivity decreases more the disturbance is created in your water-like mind as discussed earlier.

Now we know it’s not a problem; we just have to make a balance in Academic Stress.

Academic Stress

How can we make a balance?

In simple words, take the stress of studying, not of the results, time duration, syllabus, and family. You can only do one thing, and that is studying with dedication. And for greater productivity, your mind should be still.

This is something that should be built within your personality. This is when mostly the results didn’t come as expected or maybe family pressure but all these should not matter to you, yaar you can only focus on your work or studies you can do hard work(quality studies) but results cannot be determined but can be changed by your efforts

Also, read more about college anxiety on your first day.

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